Saturday, September 26, 2009

Finding your "head"

So, This is late but I am going to do it anyway... =]

The assignment was to create an installation piece from pieces of artwork that we found at the MIA and arrange them in a way that was interesting or caused the viewer to react and cause questions to form in their heads. Well I came up with an idea and its very simple but I think it would be interesting.

The objects that I chose were.
Roxanne Jackson's: Hoodie
Roxanne Jackson's: Becoming
Head of a Votary from the Temple of Golgoi
Head of Bearded Man
Striding Male Figure

My idea was to place the Striding Male Figure in the center of the room and have a light coming down on the figure. Then around the figure I would place all of the heads with their own individual lights on each of them. That would be basically it, very simple. What I was hooping to try and get across was how people try and figure out who they are, or who they're going to be and by placing each of the heads around the body figure that would be like someone trying to figure which head do I put on like when we decide what cloths to wear each morning. I wish they heads were a little more varied, but I think they each show a different thing. It also could be saying that people put on different faces or "heads" to either hide things or if they need to be a certain way and they're really not that way but they have to put on this "head."
Its a pretty interesting concept to me and it's always hard to get what im trying to say across in writing, but I hope you can kind of see what I was trying to do and if not then comment me and we can discuss it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I chose this image for my postmodern example. I do not know who created it, but I do know that I found it on and looked for it again and could not find the creator.
Basically I think this work of art is postmodern because it uses different styles and mediums to create a whole new image. The image also has a very weird spin to it because the artists is using eggs and drawing faces on them creating and using objects and materials not commonly associated with traditional artwork. The artists is also taking a very common thing and using it in the artwork, and just changing it to make the piece. I think this might be classified as "low-brow" art because it is a very basic idea and doesn't use traditional art techniques that much.
Postmodernism is still a confusing term to me and I hope that I get it somewhat right and that this works well.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Post.

This is my blog page for OAD its for makin' bakin' and such...

Hi, my name is Kyle Zimmerman. I like dogs. Dogs are cool. How bout you?